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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Advice for dog owners and beach-goers

15 December 2023

Following reports of oil on the beach in St Ouen's Bay on Wednesday (13th December), officers from Pollution Control have located and removed a handful of contaminated pieces of flotsam and jetsam to the north of Sands cafe, over three visits.

Additionally, three small pieces of oil-contaminated material have been recovered from Greve de Lecq beach. No liquid oil has been detected. Staff from Infrastructure and Environment will monitor the locations for any further contaminated material being washed ashore.

​We would like to advise dog owners and beach-goers to be aware of the potential for small pieced of oil-contaminated material being on the beach, particularly St Ouen's Bay, to the north of Sands, and Greve de Lecq.


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