23 August 2023
The Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Louise Doublet, has announced
support for childminders in Jersey, to help address the current shortage of childcare places
for children under three.
This financial support aims to help incentivise people to become registered childminders,
to create more spaces for childcare in the Island.
Grants of up to ÂŁ1,200 will be available per person to help with the set-up costs of
becoming a registered childminder. This is in addition to support that the Government’s
Childcare and Early Years Service, CEYS, already provides, including support with the
registration process and access to training.
Deputy Doublet has responsibility for Early Years and Families as part of her portfolio of
work in her role.
Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Louise Doublet, said: “I value the
childcare sector in Jersey, which is varied and provides roles and expertise across nursery
settings, childminders and accredited nannies. They offer parents and carers a valuable
service, whether a parent prefers a nursery experience or a home-based setting for their
Funding will be made available to childminder applicants who are currently waiting to be
registered and to future applicants. Additionally, up to ÂŁ500 will be made available to each
currently-registered childminder in Jersey, to enable them to manage the pressures of cost
of living expenses associated with providing a high quality service.
Speaking about the funding, Deputy Doublet said: “Listening to parents, carers and those
who work in the important sector of childcare I have heard about the need for more
childcare spaces and the financial hurdles to becoming a childminder. Whilst this will not
solve all of these challenges in isolation, it is a step in the right direction.
“Early Years are a hugely important part of a child’s development, and parents or carers
want to know that if they choose a childminder for their child or children, they are in the
best possible hands. It is advantageous if there is a strong pool of childminders, to provide
high quality care and choice. Childminding is a rewarding and unique career which can
benefit the whole community and I would urge anyone who has been thinking about
registering as a childminder to consider coming forward.”
Vice Chair of the Jersey Association of Childcarers (JACC), Christina Jandron, said: “The
JACC are really excited about the prospect of funding that the Government of Jersey will
be offering prospective childminders in the Island.
“This will be well received and the JACC will be there to provide quality childcare training
to new childminders, to ensure the children of Jersey are getting the best quality
homebased childcare and within the statutory requirements. We feel it’s a great incentive
for the childminding community, and grateful our profession is held in such a high regard
in bridging the current childcare shortage.”