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Bel Royal School review report published

02 March 2023


Bel Royal School has been reviewed as part of the Jersey Schools Review Framework. The full report is available.

The Jersey Schools Review Framework was piloted across Government schools from 2016 – 2019. After a pause during COVID, review visits have re-started this academic year.

Reviews take place every three years and consider the environment in the school, the standards of learning, teaching and achievement, the behaviour and personal development of pupils, and the effectiveness of school leadership.

Each assessment is undertaken by an independent external lead reviewer, who has experience in conducting reviews in other jurisdictions, a Senior Adviser from the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) and senior school leaders currently working in Jersey schools.

Seven reviewers visited Bel Royal School over three days in late January. They visited 14 lessons, including sessions which took place within the school’s Additional Resource Centre (ARC). The reviewers also reviewed a sample of pupil’s workbooks in different subjects and spoke with groups and students and teachers.

Headteacher of Bel Royal School, Claire Hammond, said: “I am pleased that the review has highlighted that our pupils feel safe and included at Bel Royal, including pupils who are supported through our ARC.

“There is a recognition that the school has undergone significant changes in staffing and leadership over the last three years and as a new leadership team we have a strong commitment and a clear plan to address all the recommendations highlighted in this review, including key areas that we are already working hard to improve upon.” 

The full report is available.

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