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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

The Big Help Out: Fort Regent flowers and path refurbishment to mark Coronation

04 May 2023


Islanders are being encouraged to volunteer their time at Fort Regent over the next few weeks as part of The Big Help Out initiative, to mark the Coronation.

On Bank Holiday Monday, 8 May, there’s the opportunity to plant Coronation-themed red, white and blue flowers in the rose bed areas, to bring added colour and vibrancy to this part of the Fort. 

Then, from the 15-19 May, Islanders are invited to lend a hand with the removal of moss from the existing paths at the ramparts, and support the laying of a new hoggin surface.

The Big Help Out is supported by thousands of organisations and charities across the British Isles, giving members of the public chance to meet each other and join together on projects to benefit their own local communities. 

The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, said: “Volunteering, and the time Islanders put into so many projects through their goodwill, is such a big part of what makes Jersey the special place that it is. It makes such a difference to our community, and The Big Help Out is a chance to celebrate and further highlight that work.

“I’d encourage Islanders to mark the Coronation of His Majesty the King by spending time in our great outdoors, giving something back to the community and to Fort Regent, a place with so much history, carrying so much importance to our Island.”

Islanders wishing to help with the flower planting on Bank Holiday Monday 8 May should report to Fort Regent’s main reception desk at 2pm. The footpath refurbishment can be supported each weekday from 15-19 May between 10am and 1pm. To participate, Islanders can simply turn up and meet outside the Sea Cadets building at 10am. Equipment will be provided, but volunteers are welcome to bring their own gardening gloves, rakes, shovels, hand forks, trowels etc. Free parking will be available on level 15 of Pier Road Carpark.

Government of Jersey colleagues can log their Big Help Out volunteering hours through the usual internal channels

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