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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Vulnerable Islanders invited for Spring Booster

06 April 2023


Eligible Islanders will be able to book their Spring Booster from Friday 7 April with appointments available from Tuesday 11 April at Fort Regent. 

This booster offers the most vulnerable Islanders extra protection through the spring and summer months and will be administer providing at least three months have passed since the last dose. The Vaccination Team will be visiting care homes this week to offer vaccinations to residents who are unable to attend Fort Regent and all other eligible Islanders will receive letters inviting them to book their appointments online. Those who are housebound will be contacted by the vaccine team to arrange visits.

Islanders who are eligible include:

  • those who are aged 75 and over
  • immunosuppressed individuals aged 5 and over
  • residents in care homes for older adults

If any eligible Islander missed out on their Autumn Booster, they are urged to receive the Spring Booster as soon as possible. Those who have elderly relatives and friends who don’t have access to online services are encouraged to help book appointments. 

Director of Public Health, Professor Peter Bradley said: “Our vaccination programme has proved successful in keeping Islanders safe and healthy, therefore I fully encourage all those who are eligible for this Spring Booster, to book their vaccine dose and protect themselves and others. While the vaccine won’t stop you from getting ill, it minimises the severity of illness if you do catch COVID-19.”

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