20 January 2023
​Students, graduates and career-changers can tune into conversations with inspirational Islanders,
through a series of podcasts produced by Skills Jersey.
There are six episodes of Where Do I Start? Helping You Achieve Your Career Goals, which are
available via Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts.
In each episode, members of the Skills
Jersey Careers Guidance team sit down with people from different industries who have successfully
navigated their careers in different directions.
Guests have moved from Recruitment into Digital Production, and from careers in the Royal Navy
to Estates Management.
he episodes cover topics including:
- Episode 1: Understanding your values and how they are important to your career as well as
building a portfolio career
- Episode 2: Discussion on skills and returning to education later in life
- Episode 3: Moving forward when your career path unexpectedly changes
- Episode 4: Jersey’s evolving labour market
- Episode 5: Practical tips and tools for moving forward in your career
- Episode 6: Putting yourself in the driving seat of your career
The podcasts complement the support that the Careers Guidance team provide. As well as
information available online, any Islander aged over 16 can book a careers advice and guidance appointment.
Each appointment can last up to an hour, and can be offered in person at Bermuda
House, via telephone or video call.
Acting Head of Service for Skills Jersey, Stuart Penn, said: “Careers advice is often seen as
something we need when we’re first starting out, perhaps just after we leave school, college or
university. But these podcasts show that careers advice and guidance can be useful for people who
are considering a change later on in their career.
“I hope these conversations inspire listeners to contact the Careers Guidance team on 01534
449440, or by email (skillsjersey@gov.je) to talk about their ambitions.”
Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner, said: “Most of us will have multiple
careers over the course of working lives: we might change roles, jobs, or move into a completely
new sector.
“In the next 20 years, we’re likely to see shifts in Jersey’s economy, and in the kind of jobs and roles
that are needed. Ensuring that any interested Islanders – regardless of their age or educational
background – can access support and advice to is a key part of what Skills Jersey offer, and I’d
encourage any interested Islanders to contact the team.”
All six episodes are available to download via Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Podcasts.
More information is available via the Government of Jersey website: