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Local company to start clearance works at Overdale as part of next steps for New Healthcare Facilities Programme

14 September 2023


A local company – Jersey Demolition Contractors (JDC) – has been appointed to undertake clearance works, following an open tender process.

The works are due to commence this month as part of the next phase for the New Healthcare Facilities Programme. Overdale is the preferred location for Acute Healthcare Facilities.

Asbestos surveys and asbestos removal will start on the dilapidated and unused buildings located at the back of the Overdale hospital site, in anticipation of the removal of the buildings commencing later in the year.

The works follow the completion of the move of Health and Community Services outpatient services from Overdale to the new Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre at Les Quennevais.

While all outpatient services located at Overdale have now been transferred, Samarès Ward will remain at Overdale until further studies demonstrate that these buildings are not appropriate for acute healthcare needs and a new facility, of the same or better quality, is identified.

A Waste Management Plan, Traffic Management Plan, and an Environmental Management Plan have been put in place to ensure minimal disruption and that work is undertaken in a safe, controlled and considered manner.

To accommodate safe site access, the road that runs between the Crematorium and Westmount Centre will be closed. Additional parking spaces for visitors to the Crematorium have been allocated at Westmount Centre and will be signposted.

Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet, said: "Following an open tender process, I am pleased that we have been able to appoint a local company – Jersey Demolition Contractors – to undertake the clearance works at Overdale. JDC are experienced contractors who will begin asbestos surveys and asbestos removal this month in anticipation for the removal of these buildings later in the year.

"The works will be carried out in a safe, controlled and considered manner, so that there is no safety risk to neighbouring properties.

"These works are to prepare for development of the Overdale site. Overdale is the preferred location for Acute Healthcare services – the next phase of works for the New Healthcare Facilities Programme, which we aim to have completed in 2028. The opening of the new Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre at the former Les Quennevais school demonstrates the quality of building and settings for healthcare that the Programme will achieve. I look forward to maintaining and even improving on these standards as we move forward with the development of the Acute Hospital."

Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Karen Wilson, said: "In August, we completed the move of Health and Community outpatient services from Overdale to the new Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre at the former Les Quennevais School site. The Wellbeing Centre is the first development to be delivered as part of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme, which is a significant step forward in providing the modern health facilities Islanders need. They will contribute to health and care workers being able to deliver the best possible health outcomes."

"While Samarès Ward will continue to operate at Overdale, options for a new facility are being progressed at pace. I'd like to reassure patients and staff that Samarès Ward will remain at Overdale for the time being." 

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