22 March 2023
The next Government Closer to Home event is on Friday 31 March, 9:30-12:30 at Trinity Parish Hall.
This event is aimed at over 55s, with the aim of providing help and access to several community
and charity sector partners, all in one place.
The event will include free blood pressure checks and advice from the Government’s Pension and
Care hub on income support, pensions and long-term care.
Organisations attending include:
- Customer and Local Services, Pensions & Care hub
- Dementia Jersey
- Jersey Library
- Community Policing Team
- Jersey Electricity
- Meals On Wheels (Jersey) Society
- Good Companions
- Mind Jersey
- Shopmobility
- Call & Check
- Adult Social Care Team
- Health Promotion Team
- British Red Cross
- Enable Jersey
- Carers Jersey
- Airtel-Vodafone
Minister for Social Security, Deputy Elaine Millar said: “The Closer to Home events are held
frequently throughout the year, focussing on different themes each time. I am looking forward to
attending this event along with the Assistant Social Security Minister, Deputy Malcolm Ferey. This is
a fantastic opportunity to share the services that are available for our older community and give
them the opportunity to learn more about them in one location.”
Closer to Home is a community event, where Islanders can meet friends over tea and cake and chat
to a variety of services and charities on the Island – all in one place.