01 March 2023
Jersey’s sports clubs can expect greater engagement and support to ensure that they are
aware of the anti-doping procedures they need to follow.
The Government of Jersey has established the Jersey National Compliance Platform (NCP)
to formulate the Island’s anti-doping policy, and to implement it through collaboration
with all the parties involved in combatting doping in sport.
The NCP will be responsible for providing evidence that Jersey is taking action to comply
with UNESCO’s International Convention Against Doping in Sport, and will work with Jersey
Sport and other stakeholders to ensure that training is delivered to sporting clubs and
The Assistant Minister with responsibility for sport, Deputy Lucy Stephenson, said: “In order
to meet international standards we have to ensure that those who are involved in sport at
every level understand Jersey’s anti-doping policy, and know how to implement it in
“We are responsible for both complying with international standards, and demonstrating
that we are complying with them. The NCP will enable us to do both."
“Jersey has been subject to UNESCO’s International Convention Against Doping In Sport
since 2007, but previously we have not been able to demonstrate that we complied with it.
The NCP will take responsibility for demonstrating that we are complying with those
international standards. It was only established in October of last year but has already made
great strides towards ensuring that Jersey’s sporting community are complying.“
About the National Compliance Platform
The Government of Jersey established a National Compliance Platform (NCP) in October
2022, in order to improve and strengthen collaboration between parties involved in antidoping. The NCP has been established to ensure a consolidated approach in the exchange
of information and the collection of data related to the UNESCO International Convention
against Doping in Sport.
Objectives of the National Compliance Platform
The NCP has representatives of relevant public and private entities and meets with the
- To ensure a consolidated approach in the exchange of information and the
collection of data related to the International Convention against Doping in Sport,
for the presentation of harmonized, accurate and inclusive information of all
measures adopted at the national level, by all parties involved, in the AntiDoping Logic self-assessment online questionnaire
- To encourage the implementation of an efficient information exchange system
that guarantees adequate communication, coordination, cooperation and
collaboration among the Members of the National Anti-Doping Platform and
- To promote multidisciplinary and multisectoral approaches that establish joint
and consensual work procedures and methodologies among the parties involved,
favouring prevention, the Rules of operation of the National Anti-Doping Platform,
control, detection, investigation, sanction and/ or criminalization, where appropriate,
of certain practices associated with doping in sport
- To promote the generation and/ or improvement of regulations related to the
prevention and fight against doping
- To promote the education on anti-doping in sport to all relevant stakeholders,
athletes and sports personnel
- To encourage and foster research around anti-doping in the Island