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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Community Helpdesk Relaunches

15 June 2023


Following the success of the pilot programme, Revenue Jersey is relaunching its Community Helpdesk scheme this year. The first Community Helpdesk will be taking place at St John’s Parish Hall this Friday.

The programme will run from June to October and will visit five parishes:

  • St John's Parish Hall (Friday 16 June)
  • St Clement’s Parish Hall (Thursday 29 June)
  • St Brelade's Parish Hall (Tuesday 15 August)
  • St Martin's Parish Hall (Friday 6 October)
  • St Ouen's Parish Hall (Friday 20 October)

The Helpdesks, which be open from 9.30am-4pm, are here to support Islanders who find it difficult to travel to Customer & Local Services at La Motte Street.

Islanders can visit the parish Helpdesks for a confidential chat and get face-to-face support. As the online filing deadline approaches, customers may experience problems with their digital IDs.

A Customer & Local Services adviser will be available to help with Yoti, so long as customers have a valid passport and access to their emails. Revenue Jersey can also demonstrate the online return to anyone who hasn't seen it before.

Finally, customers are reminded to bring a valid photo ID to get help from St John's Parish Hall this Friday.

Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Revenue said: “Today, we’re announcing the relaunch of our successful Community Helpdesk events in the parishes.

“These events have proven to be a great initiative to help Islanders with their questions but also offers better accessibility to support Islanders who find it difficult to travel to La Motte Street.” 

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