27 April 2023
A child-friendly report has been published summarising the findings of a consultation on how
the extension to Coronation Park should look and feeding back on travel to and from the area.
In January 2022, the land at Millbrook Playing Fields was gifted to the people of Jersey by a
benefactor, who wishes to remain anonymous, to become part of the park.
In September, the
Minister for Infrastructure opened a consultation to give Islanders the chance to help shape
the design and to specifically have a say on transport issues.
Over 700 responses were received, and there was strong support for a nature play area to be
Ideas most popular with children and young people were play equipment, creating wildlife
habitats, a maze, a tunnel, a flower garden including local wildflowers, areas to climb, dens,
hills to roll down and a zip wire.
Other ideas included bumper cars, a slime area and a place to
star gaze.
The amount of traffic and parking were the most common issues identified in the transport
consultation, with many responses asking for improvements to crossing Victoria Avenue.
was strong public support for improvements to encourage walking and cycling, and many
respondents called for the park to be linked to the active travel routes from Victoria Avenue
and St Aubin’s Inner Road, as well as the creation of a cycle route through the park.
Colleagues in the Infrastructure and Environment department are already considering which of
the suggestions can be included in the design, within the restrictions put on the new area as
part of the gifting agreement.
In the meantime, it is anticipated the new area will be opened to the public as an open green
space in the next few weeks, while the design work continues.
Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Tom Binet, said: “Thank you to everyone who took part in
the consultation and took the time to share their ideas, which we’re now considering carefully.
Every response has been reviewed and I’m looking forward to seeing the results come to life
as this project continues.
"Providing places and facilities for young people to play in and enjoy,
like this, is an important part of giving children the best possible start to life in Jersey.”
The consultation summary report can be read on gov.je/CoronationPark and has been
produced in a child-friendly format so that the families, children and schools that shared their
ideas can read the results and the next steps.