15 December 2023
Coronation Park will reopen tomorrow, Saturday 16 December, as work to clear the two playgrounds is complete. Tree stumps have been fenced off until they can be removed in the new year.
The St Peter combined-use path and the Perquage Path from Sandybrook to La Route de la Haule are both open, following the clearance of fallen trees. Howard Davis Park is also fully open.
The western side of Churchill Park is open and the path from Park Estate to the Woodford car park is clear. The eastern side of the park remains closed but is expected to be cleared in the next week.
Mount Bingham Park is expected to be open by the end of the week as clearance of fallen trees is underway.
ā€‹Significant progress has been made in clearance work along the Railway Walk. All fallen trees have been cleared but paths continue to remain closed due to hung up branches and leaning trees.