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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Dementia Strategy public survey closes

16 May 2023


The Jersey Dementia Strategy public survey has closed with over 500 responses received from Islanders. 

The survey, which launched in March, gathered views on how Jersey supports people with dementia and their carers, and what can be done to be more inclusive and dementia friendly.

Responses from the survey will feed into the Dementia Strategy, which is jointly developed by Dementia Jersey and the Government of Jersey. The strategy will have further input and guidance from people living with dementia and their families, and from partners such as MyVoice, Jersey Care Federation and Primary Care. The results of the survey will be shared in the Strategy. 

The Strategy is one of the key priorities for the Minister for Health and Social Services and will outline a vision, strategic direction and priorities for action for Jersey. It is estimated that 1,600 Islanders are living with dementia and that more than half of the population know, or have known, someone who has the condition.

Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Karen Wilson, said: β€œI would like to thank all Islanders who responded to the survey. Your views are valuable in what will be a first for Jersey. The voices of all those who are either living with dementia, care for someone who has dementia or simply know someone are invaluable to us.

β€œI made this a priority in my term as Health Minister and, as I look forward to working more closely with Dementia Jersey, we will ensure that those who are affected by dementia are offered the very best support.”

Interim CEO for Dementia Jersey, Wendy Buckley, said: β€œThis survey has been an essential part of the work we are doing to inform the strategy and I am delighted with the number of responses we received. Dementia Jersey looks forward to our future working with the Government, to deliver this much needed strategy, and hope that we can help more Islanders in the future.” 

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