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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Disability and Inclusion report released

27 June 2023


The Government’s Disability and Inclusion team's annual report for 2022 has been published. The report focuses on progress of the Government’s Disability Strategy. 

The strategy was launched in May 2017 and aims to improve the wellbeing of Islanders with disabilities and challenge inequalities faced by disabled people. 

The report focuses on a number of areas including the cost of living, improving accessibility of Government buildings and support for dDeaf services. 

Assistant Minister for Social Security, Deputy Malcolm Ferey, said: "I am pleased that we have published this latest report, which demonstrates our continued focus and progress in becoming more inclusive across the Island. 

“We have a very diverse community and supporting Islanders with a disability and their families remains our key priority. We have made positive progress in a number of areas and I am hopeful that we will continue this further in 2023. 

“The Embrace our Difference event made a greater impact last year with more businesses and organisations showing their support and commitment to supporting people who are living with disabilities and giving them the same opportunities as everyone else in the Island.” 

The full report can be found online.

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