08 March 2023
Last month rapid and effective co-ordination between the Business Hub
Compliance Unit, the States of Jersey Police and the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service led to
enforcement action against a number of males in a black pickup truck who were soliciting
household repair work without the required hawker’s licence.
This action led to the ceasing of work by the individuals, their departure from the Island, and the
seizure of an amount of cash from them.
The public are advised that it is rare for a hawker’s licence to be issued. Where they are, they will
contain a photograph of the person to whom the hawker’s licence has been issued.The Business
Hub can verify that a business has been issued such a licence and the public are able to request
sight of this licence from a hawker.
Members of the public are encouraged to report any suspicions about persons offering goods or
services door-to-door to the Business Hub directly.
The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, said: “This is a fantastic example of inter-agency
working and a fast response to an illegal situation that could have put the public in danger. It is a
good reminder for traders of all types to have the correct business licence to operate in Jersey
before carrying work on the Island, otherwise they will be liable to enforcement action.”