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Export Strategy Published

28 July 2023


Jersey's first dedicated export strategy has been published, setting out the actions which will be taken with the aim of enabling businesses to grow their export activities.

The strategy has the overall vision of increasing the variety and value of exports from Jersey, so that a more sustainable, innovative, outward-facing and prosperous economy can be developed. In doing so, the ambition is for Jersey businesses to unlock greater economies of scale and improve productivity. 

The Jersey Export Strategy sets out 12 workstreams which, over the next three years, will be developed by Government, arm's length organisations, and states-owned entities with the objective of creating the business environment needed.

The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said: "As the history of our economy proves, exports are a vital route to unlocking productivity growth and supporting a diverse and resilient economy. This strategy is the starting point to helping Jersey companies find new markets by developing their exports.

"It has taken a great deal of work to get the strategy to this point, and I would like to thank those organisations and individuals who've contributed to its development by responding to the consultations and giving their time for direct discussions.

"However, a strategy is only as good as its implementation, and that will only be achieved through collaboration between Government, our arm's length bodies, and Jersey businesses. Not only was this strategy a key priority itself, but its implementation will support this Government's wider ambition of reducing barriers to business."

Deputy Morel continues: "Creating the economic environment which will help unlock export potential for Island businesses, includes looking at the critical connectivity and logistics challenges that the Island faces. These are not unusual or new challenges for an Island economy such as ours, but it is vital we work with all stakeholders to find the best solutions to support our economy to thrive."

The 12 workstreams sit under six overarching themes:

  1. Data: Increasing the understanding of exports by greater use of data
  2. Export Support: Creating a one stop shop for export advice and support for new to well-established exporters.
  3. Raising the Profile: Increasing the profile of Jersey export successes.
  4. Connectivity: Identify and overcome inefficiencies in connectivity.
  5. France: Create goods and services trade opportunities.
  6. International Engagement: Utilising Government's international engagements to create opportunities for local businesses and raise the Island's international profile

Paul Murphy, CEO of Jersey Business Ltd and former Managing Director of Onogo, a large exporter in Jersey, said: "There is undoubtedly untapped potential from goods and services exports that we need to encourage and enable. There were also clear themes from the business survey, and discussions with exporters identified areas that need to be addressed, not least the provision of a one-stop shop for advice and support, which is one of the workstreams. Jersey Business is looking forward to working alongside Government and other organisations to make the ambitions of this strategy a reality."  

More information can be found on the consultation webpage.

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