22 May 2023
The Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy David Warr, has published updated guidance to help Islanders better understand the circumstances in which they may be eligible
to buy property that is subject to a first-time buyer restriction.
The updated guidance includes:
- The eligibility requirements that must be met to be considered a first-time buyer.
- The limited circumstances in which someone who is not a first-time buyer can ask for
consideration to purchase a first-time buyer home (or rent out a first-time buyer
- Advice on due diligence that prospective first-time buyers should complete before
making significant commitments towards purchasing a first-time buyer home.
The Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy David Warr, said: “We had feedback that
first-time buyer guidance was unclear, and some Islanders were unsure whether their personal
situation meant they were eligible, or not. This updated guidance offers more clarity and is
intended to be a source of reference for Islanders who wish to understand if they qualify.
“First-time buyer homes are a limited resource, and this guidance promotes the principle that
the status should be reserved for those who are typically in most need of assistance getting a
foot up onto the property ladder.”
The Housing Advice Service can be contacted for first-time buyer queries, or other housing-related issues, on housingadvice@gov.je or 01534 444444.