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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Annual flu vaccine programme to start

15 September 2023


The Government's annual flu vaccination programme will start next week. From Tuesday 19 September, those who are eligible for the COVID-19 autumn booster can receive the vaccine at the same time as the booster at Fort Regent.

The free flu vaccine will also be available from next week at GPs and pharmacies for all other eligible Islanders.

The flu vaccine is available free of charge to:

  • Islanders aged 50 and over
  • Healthcare workers and registered carers
  • Children aged 6 months to 2 years and clinically at risk
  • Children aged 2 up to 16 years
  • All those aged 16 to 50 years who are clinically at-risk (includes pregnant women)  
  • Households of clinically at-risk Islanders or those on the shielded patient list

The annual flu programme for school children will start on Monday 18 September. Communications have been sent to parents along with consent forms. Children vaccinated against flu will receive the nasal vaccine.

Director of Public Health, Professor Peter Bradley said: "Flu viruses tend to change from season to season which means a new vaccine each year is necessary to ensure the best protection. I encourage everyone who is eligible to get their free vaccines by calling their GP or pharmacy.

"We've made it easy once again for those who are eligible for the autumn booster. Islanders can receive both doses at Fort Regent when they attend for their vaccine appointment.

"Both flu and COVID-19 can cause serious illness and the risk of hospitalisation is increased if they are caught at the same time. I urge those who are eligible for both vaccines to book an appointment at Fort Regent. We have also seen an increasing number of children becoming ill with flu in other jurisdictions such as Australia. The UK and Jersey often follows similar trends, so I urge parents to ensure their children are best protected."

Islanders can find out more information on both vaccination programmes at

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