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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Free period products pilot scheme expanded

18 September 2023


Following the launch of Jersey’s free period products scheme in October last year, the Minister for Social Security, Deputy Elaine Millar, is delighted to announce that a further 22 locations have been added to the pilot - increasing the number of places where free period products are available.

This includes 20 public toilets, where free products are available in both female and male facilities via a dispensing unit. This will make sure that everyone has access to the products, either for themselves, a member of their family or a person within their care.

Minister for Social Security, Deputy Elaine Millar, said: “I am very pleased that we are continuing to expand the pilot scheme. It is important that we have new locations across the Island to give people more options to access the products they need. The aim of the pilot scheme has been to make sure that women, girls, and anyone else who needs them, have access to period products. I would like to reiterate that products are free for all Islanders and people can take whatever they need.

“The pilot scheme has been very useful to help us understand what’s working well and what could be improved. This valuable insight is helping us to plan the roll out of the full scheme next year. There is a choice of good quality products available through the pilot scheme and we have acted quickly on some initial feedback by introducing sustainable products to the current range, to give more choice and support the environment.”

More details about the scheme, and all of the locations, are online at

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