18 January 2023

Please find below an update on the flooding at Grands Vaux:
- Initial operations are starting to be scaled back. Water levels began to recede overnight and all residents who needed to be evacuated have been.
- Andium have confirmed there is no longer standing water at their specific sites in Grands Vaux.
- Andium are setting up an on-site office in 17 Pillar Gardens to risk-assess and accompany residents who want to gather possessions or return, if safe. Andium are communicating this directly to their residents, who should only return to their homes after heading to 17 Pillar Gardens.
- The reservoir is still overflowing. There are no reported changes from Jersey Water and the system is responding as they would expect.
- Grands Vaux sewers are still full. Sewers should have recovered by the end of the week. The Cavern should start pumping out today. Flows will need to drop a lot before the sewage system can be inspected. Roads have lifted at Les Vaux near the tennis courts.
- Pumping stations around the Island are recovering and evidence of spillages will start to fall. The Sewage Treatment Works can only accept a limited flow at the moment.
- Jersey Met update: Occasional showers today (Weds) however short and sharp, with NW breeze. One or two could be heavy and could contain hail or sleet. Rainfall totals today likely to be 3-5mm (2-10mm possible). Tomorrow (Thurs) fewer showers around (and lighter). Friday and Saturday will be mainly dry.
- The Flood Information Line is operational on 01534 448844. The line was staffed by comms colleagues until 23.00 last night and took approximately a dozen calls. Management of this line was handed over to CLS at 0900 today.
- Early reports from Grands Vaux School suggest that the building will be safe return to in the coming days. The headteacher has visited the site this morning. Jersey Property Holdings will take a fuller assessment today with Environmental Health also attending, and communication with parents will be sent out.