16 May 2023
Grands Vaux School has been reviewed as part of the Jersey Schools Review Framework.
A team of four reviewers visited the school over three days from 28-30 March. The team
was made up of an independent external lead reviewer, who has experience in conducting
reviews in other jurisdictions, a Senior Adviser from the Department for Children, Young
People, Education and Skills (CYPES) and senior school leaders currently working in Jersey
During the review, the review team visited lessons across all year groups; spoke to
leadership staff and pupils; sampled pupils work and heard pupils read; and observed
lessons, breaktimes and lunchtimes.
The Jersey Schools Review Framework was piloted across Government schools from 2016 –
2019. After a pause during COVID, review visits have restarted this academic year.
Reviews take place every three years and consider the environment in the school, the
standards of learning, teaching and achievement, the behaviour and personal development
of pupils, and the effectiveness of school leadership.
Head teacher of Grands Vaux School, Maria McCool, said: “I feel privileged to work with
such a dedicated team at Grands Vaux School. This was clearly evident and recognised in
the review findings. I am pleased that our children had an opportunity to shine and really
feel part of the process. The recommendations will support our school development plan
and our community’s continued commitment to maximising success and reaching our full
potential together. I wish to the thank the review team for their diligent work through a
very thorough process.”
The full report is available at Report Grands Vaux review.