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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Inclusive education consultation launched

28 February 2023


Children, young people, parents, carers and professionals are being asked for their views on how Jersey can build a more inclusive early years and education system. 

Parents and carers can complete an online survey, which is available in several languages including English, Polish, Portuguese and Romanian. A survey in English for practitioners working with children has also been launched today. Both surveys are available until Wednesday 22 March.

The results will be translated into English after the survey is completed.

Anyone who takes the survey can also request to take part in focus groups, which will take place after Easter.

The consultation has been launched as part of a broader response to a review of inclusive education, which was commissioned by the previous government. The National Association for Special Educational Needs, nasen made 50 recommendations to ensure all children are supported to thrive. 

The key recommendation was that the Government should “clearly define inclusive education in a way that is accessible and understandable to all residents” and make this definition clear in a Charter for Inclusive Education.

An inclusive education system is one which celebrates diversity and makes sure that all children:

  • feel valued, respected and welcome in education and early years
  • are treated fairly and have access to equal opportunities
  • are supported to develop their full academic and social potential

To support the development of the Inclusion Charter, children and young people have been taking part in workshops in their school, college, or youth group to talk about best practice, and identify areas for improvement. Sessions have also been held with parent and carer groups. 

The School Council Network were the first to pilot the workshops at an event which involved hundreds of primary and secondary school children. All workshops have been run using the Participation Standards which were launched in November 2022. 

Other work to respond to the nasen review is ongoing. Since 2021, when the review was published: 

  • La Sente School and La Passerelle School have been merged to provide a holistic educational service provision for children and young people with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health needs.
  • An independent review of mental health provision in schools has led to an action plan being developed in partnership with individual schools
  • The Government Plan 2023 to 2026 secured ÂŁ6.1 million per year for inclusion in schools, with a focus on children with special educational needs, including those with a record of need
  • An Additional Resource Centre for children with low cognitive ability launched in September at d’Auvergne, with another due to open at Le Rocquier School
  • Formal training for Special Educational Needs Coordinators has been delivered in collaboration with the University of Winchester

Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner, said: “The nasen review found that there are hundreds of professionals across the Island who are doing a wonderful job every day to welcome, support and include all students. 

“But the review also found that because we, as an Island, haven’t agreed a definition or model of how we make early years and education inclusive, it makes it harder for us to work together to bring about the system-wide approach we need to support all children.

“I’m particularly keen to hear from parents and children and young people who represent groups that, historically, may not have felt always welcomed, supported and included. I’d also like to thank all the children and young people we’ve spoken to so far, for their thoughtful contributions.” 

More information is available via the Government of Jersey website.

The surveys are available to complete until Wednesday 22 March.

Take the parent/carer survey in English.

Take the parent/carer survey in Polish.

Take the parent/carer survey in Portuguese.

Take the parent/carer survey in Romanian.

Take the practitioners’ survey.

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