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Independent report into sport published

29 November 2023


An independent report reviewing sport and physical activity policy, strategy and delivery, and the roles played by the Government of Jersey and arm’s length body Jersey Sport, has been published.

The report, written by Simon Cooper, a former Head of Sport for the Mayor of London, follows a public survey and interviews with a wide range of stakeholders earlier this year.

It makes a series of recommendations including that, in the immediate term, the existing arm’s length arrangement between the Government and Jersey Sport continues “but with delivery strengthened”, and that consideration is given to creating a “Statutory Strategic Body for Sport and Physical Activity”.

The Assistant Minister with responsibility for sport, Deputy Lucy Stephenson, commissioned the review as part of the 2023 Ministerial Delivery Plans.

Deputy Stephenson has accepted the vast majority of the 21 recommendations and has published an initial response with details of actions that are already under way. She said: “It has been more than six years since the Government changed the way it delivered sport and physical activity as well as related policy and strategy, and in that time there had been no formal independent review of how things were working. In commissioning this piece of work, I also listened to the concerns of many sporting organisations and other stakeholders, who told me that they believed the system was not working as effectively as it could or should be.

“I am grateful to Simon for his thorough and detailed report, and to all those at Jersey Sport and in the wider community who engaged with him and shared their views and experiences.

"There is some very good work being carried out by Jersey Sport but it’s clear there are also some shared concerns, especially relating to support for sport. We will now work together to address the issues raised, and I am hopeful that the publication of this report can mark a positive reset in how we collaborate to deliver for Islanders. I’m committed to improving the support for sport in Jersey and promoting the very many benefits it brings to our community.”

Jersey Sport was established as an arm’s length organisation in 2017 to deliver some of the Government of Jersey’s sport and physical activity functions.

Reflecting on the independent report, Steve Law, interim chair of Jersey Sport, said: “Thanks must go to Deputy Lucy Stephenson for commissioning this review of Sport and Physical Activity in Jersey.

“Most encouraging is that the report deems that continuing the existing arm’s length arrangement with Jersey Sport is the best, immediate, way forward. We accept also, however, that clearly there is some work to be done to fine tune elements of that arrangement.

“Our focus now is on the future, working to implement the recommendations relevant to Jersey Sport and collaborating with the Government and our many stakeholders to drive forward in the best interests of sport and active living in Jersey.”

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