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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Interim CEO Key Objectives for Q4 2023

20 October 2023


The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, and the Interim Chief Executive Officer, Dr Andrew McLaughlin, have agreed the CEO's objectives for the fourth quarter of 2023.

These objectives will be updated on a quarterly basis.

  1. Provide 2 key papers which provide a strategic view and set the strategic vision for the Government of Jersey and inform the 2024 planning cycle. 
  2. Provide strategic policy advice in a concise, clear and reasoned way on key Council of Ministers’ agenda items as required by the Chief Minister, including on future options for the structure of public services. 
  3. Introduce a new operating rhythm to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and its meetings supported by a stronger coaching culture. 
  4. Provide the Chief Minister with an options paper which identifies 5 pragmatic and deliverable options to simplify public service delivery with material efficiencies by the end of 2025. 
  5. Role model an energetic, visible leadership style consistent with Government of Jersey values aimed at raising engagement across the organisation.

CEO Accountability and Statutory Functions

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is accountable to the Chief Minister for policy direction (Art. 26(6) SOJL), and answerable to the Public Accounts Committee, and accountable to the Council of Ministers, for the performance of his functions (Arts. 41 PFL)

The CEO has the following statutory functions:

Chief Executive to the Council of Ministers (Art 3 ESJL)

Head of the Public Service: 

  • To lead chief officers in the administration and general management of the public service and the implementation of corporate and strategic policies. 
  • To require a Chief Officer (CO) to account for those matters in respect of the Ministerial department for which they are responsible and to direct them as to the duties to be undertaken in the course of their employment as a States’ employee in so far as the CEO is empowered to do so (Art 3 ESJL).

Principal Accountable Officer: 

  • Ensuring the probity and regularity of the finances for which the CEO is responsible. o Ensuring resources for which the CEO is responsible are used economically, efficiently, effectively. 
  • Appointing accountable officers and determining and ensuring the performance of their functions in so far as the CEO is empowered to do so (Arts.38, 39, 41 PFL).

Principal policy adviser to the Chief Minister (Art. 26(6) SOJL)

Functions delegated to the CEO by the States Employment Board (Arts. 8 and 10 ESJL as set out in R.118/2017

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