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Island effort needed to improve outcomes for children and families

16 June 2023


The Minister for Children and Education is calling on the entire community to work together with the Government to make our Island the best possible place for children, young people and their families to study, play, grow and thrive.  

In a passionate plea, Deputy Inna Gardiner said that the Government cannot improve the lives of children and families alone and that everyone needs to play their part to ensure everyone thrives.  

Deputy Gardiner said: “We must work closely with all government departments, charities, agencies that support families, and with children, families and communities themselves, to continue to drive improvements, and achieve the outcomes that they deserve. Delivering real change for children and families requires a long-term commitment and the support and collaboration of the entire community.

“We cannot reach the best outcomes for children if we don’t work together. There is a lot of great work in the community already, but we all need to work in partnership to ensure every child and family thrives. Everyone needs to play their part. The Government cannot do it alone. Employers, parents, communities and voluntary organisations all have a part to play.” 

Following a comprehensive review led by the Minister for Children and Education, earlier this year, into the previous Children’s Boards, a new Committee has now been established to develop and oversee a revised Children and Young People Plan for 2024-2027. 

The Children’s Outcomes Executive Committee will lead on cross-Government policy and provide a clear, strategic framework for the Government’s responsibility to children, young people, and families.  

Deputy Gardiner, added: “I am passionate about delivering the best outcome for children and young people in Jersey so that everyone has a chance to thrive. In order to do this we need a new structure to enable us to hear the voices of all children and young people especially the seldom heard.”  

A number of engagement workshops were held with Ministers, government representatives and partners to review the work programmes of previous boards. 

 “I would like to thank everyone who was involved in these workshops,” said Deputy Gardiner. “The feedback we received highlighted there was a need for a clear and simple structure to monitor outcomes and improvements for our children, young people, and families.”

 A new feature of the new Children’s Outcomes Executive Committee will be to introduce forums which will be focused on understanding children's experience and have a focus on action with front-line practitioners encouraged to share work and initiatives. 

Deputy Gardiner added: “We are committed to bringing together a wider partnership to help develop and improve outcomes for children and families. We welcome views from all those working with and for families through our new structure and forums.”

In preparation for the new Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2022 the Minister has refreshed the Corporate Parenting Board (CPD). The Board will have oversight of future Corporate Parenting activity undertaken by public authorities whilst acting as an important champion for better outcomes for children in care and leaving care.

The CPB will continue as a statutory requirement of the Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 2022 and details of the meetings will be published online. 

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