15 May 2023
Islanders are invited to discuss what Jersey needs from counselling services for depression
and anxiety at two drop-in sessions on Tuesday 30 May.
They re being held at:
- 12:30pm-2:00pm, Tuesday 30 May, Mind Drop-in Centre, Seale Street
- 5:30pm-7:00pm, Tuesday 30 May, Education Centre, Jersey General Hospital
Each of the sessions will involve a brief presentation, followed by small group discussions
on how future counselling services could best meet Islanders’ needs. Everyone is welcome
whether they have experience of counselling services or not. All contributions will be
treated confidentially.
Director of Mental Health and Adult Social Care, Andy Weir, said: “Everybody’s mental
health and wellbeing is just as important as their physical health. It is vital that we, in Jersey
are able to offer services that really work for Islanders.
“It is not just a case of hearing from the people that use the services that we have, we want
to hear from everyone in our Island community. I encourage anyone who wants to help
make a difference and help shape what we need from our preventative and early
intervention services for mental health to take part in the discussion.”
Those who are unable to make either of the meetings but do have a contribution to give
can email w.gwatidzo@health.gov.je by Wednesday 31 May.