26 January 2023

​Islanders are being invited to meet with the Minister for Health and Social Services to share their
views on health and social care in Jersey.
A series of informal parish events will begin next week and continue until the early summer with
the Minister, Deputy Karen Wilson, and her assistant ministers, visiting all 12 parishes to listen to
Islanders’ ideas, feedback or concerns about Health and Community Services.
The first parish event will be held in St Mary’s Parish Hall on Monday 30 January, from 6.30pm until
Parishioners will each have the opportunity to sit privately with the minister or an assistant minister
to give their feedback.
Deputy Wilson said: “Since taking on the role of Minister for Health and Social Services, I have
managed to speak to many of our dedicated workforce and patients to listen carefully to their
views on the department.
“As we continue to make progress with the services and care we offer following both the Professor
Mascie-Taylor and Comptroller and Auditor General’s reports, it is crucial that Islanders’ voices are
also heard and that is why I, along with my assistant ministers, want to engage with them directly
by going to each parish and listening very carefully to what they have to say.”
The other roadshow dates, all of which will be held at the respective Parish or
Public Hall, all at the same time of 6:30 pm to 8 pm are:
- 30 Jan – St Mary
- 23 Feb – St Brelade
- 1 March – St Lawrence
- 8 March – St John
- 15 March – St Ouen
- 27 March – Grouville
- 17 April – St Helier (#1)
- 4 May - Trinity
- 11 May – St Martin
- 18 May – St Clement
- 8 June – St Saviour
- 15 June – St Helier (#2)
- 26 June – St Peter
Islanders are only asked to attend the parish hall in the parish where they live to ensure that all
parishioners who wish to have the opportunity to meet the ministerial team. Some of the larger or
busier parishes will have repeat events if required.