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Jersey and Bahrain strengthen bilateral ties

07 December 2023


Yesterday, following two days of attendance at COP28, Chief Minister Deputy Kristina Moore signed a Memorandum of Understanding alongside Bahrain's Foreign Minister to enhance collaboration in areas such as heritage, the digital sector, financial regulation and tax.

Deputy Moore first held a meeting with Foreign Minister Dr Abtullatif Al Zayani and signed the new Memorandum. Deputy Moore was then welcomed to Bahrain by the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, who emphasised the importance of enhanced cooperation between Jersey and Bahrain as similar outward looking small islands.

The Chief Minister then met the British Ambassador to Bahrain, His Excellency Alastair Long, to press for the UK Government's ongoing support for Jersey to develop its relationships with Bahrain and ensure the representation of the Island's interests in the country and wider region.

Deputy Moore also engaged with representatives of the King Hamad Global Centre for Peaceful Co-existence, which seeks to champion religious tolerance and cultural understanding, as well as the Bahrain Economic Development Board and Fintech Bay to discuss further opportunities in financial services and digital.

Deputy Moore said: "The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding is an important development in the strong relationship between Jersey and Bahrain, which share many opportunities and challenges as developed small island states. My meetings with His Royal Highness and the Foreign Minister reaffirmed the benefits of engaging with equivalent jurisdictions such as Bahrain across a range of sectors, and I am clear that the widening of our bilateral ties can boost not only our political and economic relationship, but also highlights our joint commitment to encourage sustainable development of innovation, support inclusivity and protect our unique heritage."

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