28 July 2023
Jersey-based artists have been offered a chance to take their talent across the Channel thanks to a joint initiative with the DĂ©partement d'Ille-et-Vilaine in France.
One Island artist will run a residency within a secondary school (collèges), catering to students aged 11 to 15, between March and June 2024 in the Saint Malo region.
The chosen artist, who must be Jersey-based, irrespective of birthplace, and aged 18 or over, can practise any form of art. French language skills are beneficial but not compulsory.
Working within a French collège offers the opportunity for the artist to spark creativity and dialogue - and deliver a transformative journey for a class of French students, all the while honing their own artistic processes.
The Open Call for local artists runs until 10 August 2023 after which a pre-selection of candidates will take place between 11 and 14 August. This initially judging will involve members of the Arts, Culture and Heritage (ACH) and Bureau des Iles Anglo-Normandes (BIAN) teams. The shortlisted artists' files will be shared with Ille-et-Vilaine by 18 August.
From September to October 2023, Ille-et-Vilaine will introduce the selected artists to interested 'collèges'. The chosen artist and collège will connect, initially online and then in person, to shape the residency together. Once all details are agreed upon, a contract will be signed, paving the way for the residency to begin.
Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Deputy Kirsten Morel said: "The Government is incredibly proud of the strengthening of our relationship with our French neighbours and schemes like this show the benefits of our dual commitment.
"A Jersey artist in residence will showcase our Island talent to a new audience of children, their parents, and their community across the region surrounding Saint Malo.
"I encourage all artists, regardless of background and art form to apply. We have such a diverse community of artists in Jersey and it would be great for the judges to see that."