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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey 2023 report published

13 December 2023

​​​The 2023 report on the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey has been released today by Statistics Jersey.

The survey collects detailed information on a wide range of topics on an annual basis, particularly the opinions and behaviours of the resident population. It provides everyone in the Island with a better understanding of social issues in Jersey, primarily so that policy decisions can be made from a more informed standpoint.

The survey is a cross-departmental project. Individual departments ask for topics to be included to meet their priorities, whilst Statistics Jersey independently runs the survey, undertakes the analysis and publishes the results. This approach reduces the number of times households are contacted for information and is a less costly way of collecting data. It also provides a richer dataset to allow more interesting and informative analysis.

Over 1,500 Islanders completed a survey questionnaire and topics covered this year include:
  • Money matters / coping financially
  • Employment and pensions
  • Higher education and lifelong learning
  • General health, diet, smoking and vaccines
  • Physical exercise
  • Wellbeing
  • Emergency services
  • Getting involved
  • Trust in Government
  • Your rights, roles and relationships
  • Religion
  • Gender roles and relationships
  • Housing
  • Transport
​Read the full report​​​​​
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