26 April 2023
Jersey’s Assistant Chief Minister, Deputy Elaine Millar, has formally reaffirmed the Island’s commitment
to combatting financial crime at a high level Ministerial meeting, being held at the invitation of
Poland’s Minister of Finance in Warsaw on Tuesday 25 April 2023.
The meeting was attended
by Ministers and high level delegates from 32 countries and international organisations who have a
role in preventing financial crime around the world.
In a written declaration, all jurisdictions affirmed their commitment to international and regional
efforts to combat money laundering, terrorism financing and the financing of proliferation of weapons
of mass destruction, and to join the Ministers’ Deputies of the Council of Europe in strongly
condemning the continued aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and confirm full
support for Ukraine and its people.
The meeting also provided the opportunity for bilateral meetings
with Ministers from the other Crown Dependencies and the United Kingdom to discuss a variety of
common issues relating to combatting financial crime.
Deputy Millar said: “It is important for Jersey to demonstrate that we stand alongside other countries
in our commitment to combatting financial crime in all its forms. As a leading international financial
services centre, we are committed to meeting international standards.
“This visit has been an opportunity to meet fellow MONEYVAL Ministers and delegations ahead of
September, when we will be welcoming our peers to Jersey for an assessment of our own financial
crime prevention regime.”