14 July 2023
Jersey schools and pupils will help highlight the Island’s shared culture with France and Normandy
with the Le French Festival this week and the development of sustainable school partnership links
which focus on existing Parish-Jumelage twinnings.
The Le French Festival takes place from 12 to 16 July and features a variety of French-themed
events from concerts, artistic performances and Bastille Day celebrations – including performances
by this year’s French Eisteddfod winners – to the renowned Norman Market. Schools across Jersey
have also participated in a poster competition to promote the festival. These posters will form part
of an exhibition at the Alliance Française.
Year 5 from Janvrin School were invited to take part in a Norman-French Market experience at the
Royal Square on 13 July. On 12 July, Year 7 students at Haute Vallée School completed a series of
French challenges such as the Jeu de l’oie in the Haute Vallée Mini French Fest.
This week’s events are part of a broader celebration of Anglo-Norman links in Jersey’s schools,
including developing new partnerships and promoting cross-cultural exchange.
In May, a delegation chosen to reflect all the areas within the Language Policy for Jersey Education
visited École Clos Marguerite, Hambye and École Henri Brunet, in Caen. These schools are
partnered with Jersey College Prep and Springfield.
During the visit, staff from both jurisdictions
agreed a draft Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, for School Partnerships. This MOU will be
used to further promote partnerships and offer support and guidance to schools.
In addition, Jersey primary schools hosted visits from their Norman and Breton counterparts during
the summer term.
This included École Jean Moulin, Rennes who visited Year 6 at d’Auvergne School
on 7 June to take part in activities such as PĂ©tanque, a tour of the school and a Samba class, and on
16 June, two classes from Grouville School Year 5 went with pupils from École Henri-Vally, Portbail
on a trip to Jersey Zoo.
Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Connétable Richard Vibert, said: “Jersey has always
had a close relationship with France, which this week we will celebrate. It is wonderful to see all the
ways that Jersey’s schools are supporting the development of new cross-cultural relationships, and
an appreciation of our shared heritage.”