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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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June Labour Market report published

26 October 2023

ā€‹Statistics Jersey have today published the June 2023 Labour Market report. This report is published every six months and covers key aspects of the job market for both the private and public sector. 


In June 2023
  • The total number of jobs was 65,010. This was made up of 55,740 jobs in the private sector and 9,270 jobs in the public sector. These are each the highest recorded totals to date.
  • There was an annual increase of 1,360 jobs (2.1%) since June 2022.
    • In the private sector there was an annual increase of 930 jobs (1.7%). There was however a decrease of 370 full-time jobs filled by entitled or entitled to work individuals. This was offset by increases of 600 part-time jobs filled by entitled and entitled to work individuals and 500 full-time jobs filled by registered individuals.
    • In the public sector there was an annual increase of 430 jobs (4.9%). This increase was driven by an increase in the number of Government of Jersey (GOJ) core employees (permanent and fixed term employees). The departments with the largest annual increase in staff were Children, Young People, Education and Skills (up 230), the Chief Operating Office (up 70) and Infrastructure, Housing and Environment (up 50).
In the private sector at the sectoral level
  • Five sectors saw notable annual increases in jobs. The largest increases were of 400 jobs in hotels, restaurants and bars (up 7%) and 380 jobs in private education, health and other services (up 4%). The hotels, restaurants and bars sector was adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic but in June 2023 the sector had a higher number of jobs than June 2019, for the first time. 
  • One sector saw a notable annual decrease, wholesale and retail, down 130 jobs (down 2%).
Over the last 5 years (from June 2018 to June 2023)
  • There was an increase of 3,050 all sector jobs (up 4.9%) from June 2018.
    • The total number of private sector jobs increased over five years by 1,490 (up 2.7%).
    • Public sector jobs increased by 1,570 from June 2018 to June 2023 (up 20%), which has brought the proportion of workforce jobs in Government Jersey core jobs (12.4%) back to a level very similar to the average for the last two decades (12.1%).

Read the full report

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