19 June 2023
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Karen Wilson, is confident that the new
advisory Board for the Health and Community Service Department will play a critical role in
helping drive up the standards of care provided to Islanders.
Deputy Karen Wilson said: “One of my key priorities for 2023 was to establish the proposed board, which
I believe is central to improving both clinical and corporate governance, and to providing myself
and Islanders assurance as to the quality and safety of care. I am pleased that Assembly supported
my proposition, for which I thank them.
“Islanders clearly deserve high-quality, compassionate care and staff within the Department have
the right to feel valued, respected, and listened to. I am confident that the Board, once it is fully
established, will help drive service improvements and create a new, positive culture for the benefit
of all.
“The terms of reference for the Board adopt the best of what works in other jurisdictions and adapt
these for Jersey. This includes creating a framework in which independent experts will work
alongside Departmental managers; providing advice and support to drive change; enhancing
transparency through public meetings and the publication of all Board papers and involving the
public and patients in all Board activities. But what makes the HCS Board different from those in
comparable jurisdictions is that I, as Minister, remain accountable to the public for health policy
and health services.
“The Assembly determined that it would review the Board in 18 months’ time to ensure that it is
delivering value, supporting improved decision-making, and enabling the Department to better
manage clinical, safeguarding, financial and corporate risks. I fully support this decision.”
The Board will comprise an independent Chair, up to five non-executive directors and executive
officers from the Department, with one less executive officer to ensure a balance in favour of
independent members. The recruitment and selection process is underway and it is anticipated that
all Board members will be in place by the end of July 2023.