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New Children’s Commissioner nominated for appointment

20 November 2023


Dr Carmel Corrigan has been nominated for appointment as Jersey’s new Children’s Commissioner following a comprehensive recruitment process. The appointment requires the approval of the States Assembly before it can be confirmed. The Chief Minister and President of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee will be seeking approval at the next sitting of the States on Tuesday 28 November. 

This independent role works on behalf of children to protect and promote children’s rights and is for a single six-year term. 

Dr Corrigan has a long history of working with national and local organisations to promote children’s rights. She is currently the Head of Participation and Rights Education, Ombudsman for Children’s Office, Ireland. In this role, Dr Corrigan has worked to embed participation and rights education in government policy making by representing the Office at the highest levels. This includes nationally at Joint Oireachtas (both houses of the Irish parliament) Committees and policy fora, and internationally through the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. 

Dr Corrigan has a PhD in Social Work and Social Policy awarded by Trinity College, Dublin; a BA in Sociology and History; an MA in Sociology from the National University of Ireland, Maynooth; and a postgraduate diploma in Child and Family Law from the Irish Law Society.

The recruitment process was overseen by the Chair of the Jersey Appointments Commission, Chris Stephenson. Shortlisted candidates undertook an interview with a panel of local young people from the Jersey Youth Service, and a formal interview with a panel of the Assistant Chief Executive Officer, the Greffier of the States Assembly, the Chief Executive Officer of Every Child Matters, and the former Children’s Commissioner for England. Dr Corrigan also met the Chief Minister and the President of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee. 

The Children’s Commissioner works for every child and young person in Jersey who is: 

  • under the age of 18 
  • under the age of 25 if they have a disability, have been care-experienced or have been involved with the youth justice system 
  • placed off-island for their care or treatment 

The Children’s Commissioner is also part of the British and Irish Network of Children’s Commissioners. 

The Chief Minister, Deputy Kristina Moore, said: “I am delighted that Dr Carmel Corrigan has been nominated for appointment as the Children’s Commissioner for Jersey. Dr Corrigan’s experience and knowledge will be of enormous value in helping professionals to work together on the importance of children’s rights and in transforming understanding and acceptance throughout the community. 

“The appointment follows a comprehensive selection process over many months and is an incredibly important role for the future of all children in Jersey. I would like to thank the Jersey Appointments Commission for their work and to congratulate and thank the young people who were involved in the interview process. Their professional approach, mature manner, and acute observations formed an important part of the decision-making process for this significant appointment. 

“I congratulate Dr Corrigan on the nomination for appointment and wish her every success. I also thank Andrea Le Saint for her work as Acting Children’s Commissioner since July 2022.” 

Dr Corrigan said: “I am honoured to have been nominated for appointment as Children’s Commissioner for Jersey. Building on the work of my predecessor and the staff of the Commissioner’s Office, I am committed to further enhancing and embedding the promotion, protection, and fulfilment of children’s rights in law, policy, services and in the wider community. 

“I hope both to support and challenge those who have influence at all levels – be they States legislators or individual professionals – to bring about positive change for children. Involving and hearing from children themselves will, as always, be an essential part of this work. I am very much looking forward to meeting many of the children in Jersey and those who have key roles in their lives.”

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