13 June 2023
Jersey children are invited to write letters to the tooth fairy in a new initiative being organised by
the Community Dental Team in Health and Community Services and Jersey Post.
From this week, children can write to the tooth fairy or draw a picture that tells the tooth fairy
about how they look after their teeth, why they like going to the dentist, how they lost their first
tooth, or anything else tooth related.
The purpose of the initiative is to encourage children to follow good oral hygiene and calm any
fears they may have about visiting the dentist. In return for their letters and drawings children will
receive a note back from the tooth fairy.
Sarah Evans Interim General Manager – Primary, Prevention, Adult Therapies and Community
Dental said: “Good oral hygiene is really important at any age, engaging children and helping
them to adopt a good routine of twice daily brushing and mouth care early on, creates long term
healthy habits. We’re delighted to be supported by Jersey Post in enabling children to send letters
to the tooth fairy without the need of a stamp and helping deliver her letters back to them.”
The letters must be sent between Monday 12 June and Saturday 15 July. Letters should be address
to: The Tooth Fairy, Treetop Lane, Tooth Fairy Land. A stamp is not needed but letters should
include the child’s name and address, so that they can receive a repl