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Smokers advised that stopping smoking reduces dementia risk

08 March 2023


This No Smoking Day, Wednesday, 8 March, the theme is “stopping smoking protects brain health”. 

Smokers in Jersey who have tried to quit in the past are urged not to give up on giving up.

The annual reminder day, which occurs on the second Wednesday in March, encourages smokers in Jersey and elsewhere to make a quit attempt with support from local stop smoking service Help2Quit. 

Dr Rhona Reardon, Help2Quit Lead Nurse Specialist and Coordinator, is encouraging all smokers to give quitting a go including those who have tried before. 

So far this year, 123 smokers have contacted the Help2Quit service and last year the free service supported 658 smokers to help them quit for good, with 50% being successful.

Dr Reardon said: “Every time you try to stop smoking you’re a step closer to success. This year we are raising awareness of how people can reduce the risk of dementia by quitting smoking. 

“Only 18% of smokers know that smoking can be a cause of dementia, compared to over 70% who know that smoking causes lung diseases and cancers.

“We want smokers to be aware that if you smoke you are more likely to develop dementia and quitting smoking reduces this risk. Every cigarette contains harmful chemicals which are bad for your brain. No Smoking Day is a great opportunity for smokers who haven’t yet quit to give it another go. The evidence shows you are three times more likely to quit smoking with support and medication”.

Smokers who want to find out more about giving up can find details on the stop smoking web page. Those who may need more intensive support to quit, such as pregnant women, or islanders with a long-term health condition, can find out about specialist support by calling Help2Quit’s free phone number on 0800 735 1155.

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