10 November 2023
Islanders are being invited to share their views on the recently announced proposals for an offshore
wind farm in the southwest of Jersey’s waters.
In October, the Minister for the Environment announced a project that would see a wind farm of up
to around 1,000MW created, producing enough electricity to exceed the Island’s own needs, with
the remainder to be exported.
Simultaneously, a Proposition was lodged by the Council of Ministers asking for States Members’
“in principle” support for the project.
Potential environmental and economic benefits include access to locally generated renewable
energy, greater price stability, new jobs, and income to fund Jersey’s transition to net zero
emissions and other public services.
Alongside a formal consultation survey, which is open from today (Friday 10 November) and runs
for 14-weeks, a public drop-in session will be held in each parish over the next few months for
Islanders to learn more about the proposals and to share their views. A post-consultation report
will then be published to help inform States Members ahead of the debate on the Proposition in
spring 2024.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, said: “I want to give Islanders the
opportunity, right at the outset of this exciting project, to feed into it with their views and to help
shape our States debate. We know there is a great deal of support in Jersey for renewable energy,
and we also acknowledge that some will have concerns and questions that they’ll want to raise as
part of this 14-week engagement and consultation period.
“This would be a hugely significant development for our Island, and I’d encourage Islanders to get
involved by completing the consultation survey and attending the drop-in events.”
The Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said: “The proposed
wind farm will stimulate job creation in the sustainable and green energy sector. One of the
ambitions of the Future Economy Programme is to diversify the economy into sustainable sectors,
and renewable energy is a fantastic example of one such sector.
“In major projects such as this, the voice of the Island matters, and I strongly encourage Islanders to
participate in this consultation. By engaging and helping to shape this, you’re playing an active role
in determining the best way forward, you’re supporting States Members with next year’s debate,
and you’re helping the project move towards a shared vision.”
Islanders can find out more about the offshore wind farm proposals and have their say via the
online survey at www.gov.je/consultations. Paper versions of the survey will be available in Parish
Halls. The consultation runs until Friday 16 February 2024 (5pm).
The programme of sessions is as follows:
Consultation presentation with question and answer session
These sessions will include a presentation followed by an opportunity to ask questions.
- Wednesday 29 November 6pm to 7.30pm at St Brelade Parish Hall
- Tuesday 5 December 6:30pm to 8pm in the Assembly Room, Town Hall, St Helier
- Thursday 14 December 7pm to 8.30pm at Grouville School
Drop-in question and answer sessions
These are drop-in sessions. Islanders are invited to come along at any time during these sessions to
ask questions.
- Wednesday 22 November 6pm to 7.30pm at St Peter Parish Hall
- Thursday 23 November 8.30am to 10am at St Clement Parish Hall
- Saturday 25 November 10am to 12pm at the Town Hall, St Helier
- Tuesday 28 November 11am to 12.30pm at St Ouen Parish Hall
- Tuesday 28 November 1.15pm to 2.45pm at St Saviour Parish Hall
- Tuesday 28 November 3.30pm to 5pm at St Lawrence School Hall
- Saturday 9 December 10am to 11.30am at Communicare, St Brelade
- Monday 11 December 9am to 10.30am at St Mary Youth and Community Centre
- Tuesday 12 December 2pm to 3.30 pm at St Martin Public Hall
- Thursday 14 December 12:30pm to 2pm at Santander Work Café, St Helier Central
- Friday 15 December 10am to 11.30am at Trinity Parish Hall