21 March 2023
The Haut du Mont site at Pier Road has been released by States of Jersey Police to
Government of Jersey following the completion of evidential collection at the scene.
The site will remain in the ownership of Andium Homes and will be secured and overseen by
Government of Jersey on behalf of Andium Homes. The collaborative approach to the site
management has been recommended by Andium Homes to ensure the safety and security of the
site while the next steps are being considered.
Government’s management of the site will also allow for disaster victim and personal effects
recovery experts, GoCrisis, to continue their work at Pier Road, which is expected to conclude next
month. After this time, the team will be working on cataloguing personal items to ensure their
Government has started early work to consider the appropriate next steps for the future of the
Haut du Mont site. This work will involve bereaved families, displaced residents, and the
surrounding communities so that the most appropriate options can be considered.
The upper levels of Pier Road carpark, which have been closed since December to provide privacy
to the police investigation and the work of GoCrisis, will reopen from Thursday, with work being
undertaken from Wednesday.
The cordoned section of Pier Road will remain closed until further notice while decisions about the
next steps are being considered.
Displaced residents
There were 29 households displaced because of the explosion. All residents were found
appropriate temporary accommodation immediately following the incident.
All the displaced households have since been offered new permanent accommodation, with 24
having already moved, or currently moving, into new homes within the Andium Homes portfolio.
Andium Homes continues to work closely with the remaining displaced households to offer them
additional opportunities to secure new permanent homes as soon as possible.
Deputy Chief Minister, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said: “The Haut du Mont site has now been released
by States of Jersey Police following their completion of work at the site.
“While good progress continues to be made at the site, it is important the area is kept cordoned
off to maintain public safety. In view of this, Andium Homes has suggested that it would be most
appropriate for responsibility of the day-to-day security and management of the site to remain
with Government, while the next steps are being considered.
“It is still too soon to be making firm plans for the future of the area, which will take time and will
be very sensitive to those most affected. Further decisions about the next steps will be considered
alongside bereaved families, displaced residents, and the surrounding communities.
“I’d like to thank States of Jersey Police for their work as the investigation into this tragic event
continues to make good progress. I’d also like to thank Andium Homes for their continued hard
work and deep commitment to their residents.”