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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Planning development brief for St Saviour’s Hospital published for consultation

24 November 2023


A draft development brief to guide the future housing development and use of listed buildings at St Saviour's Hospital has been published for public consultation.

The bridging Island Plan requires that sites owned by the Government are subject to a development brief and that such sites should be used primarily for new affordable homes.

The brief outlines planning principles and design guidance for the former St Saviour's Hospital – including its grounds, and other land or property publicly owned to the south of La Route de La Hougue Bie.

It will assist the preparation of development proposals enabling the successful refurbishment and redevelopment of the former hospital site, including the Grade 1 Listed buildings and protected open space in front of the listed buildings.

Islanders can view the draft brief and share their views at: St Saviour's Hospital Development Brief - Government of Jersey - Citizen Space. The consultation will run until 10 January 2024.

The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, said: "I am pleased to be bringing forward this draft development brief for St Saviour's Hospital, setting out the planning issues that need to be considered for its future development. This is a sensitive site with heritage interest, protected open space, and a mature landscape in a prominent rural setting.

"Rising to the challenges of the site will allow the future development of new homes, the possible provision of some community uses, and the renovation of the important heritage buildings there.

"I look forward to hearing Islanders' views on the draft guidance which I will consider carefully, with ministerial colleagues, to help finalise the development brief."

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