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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Portuguese man o' war advice

31 August 2023


Following the identification and removal of a Portuguese man o' war from St Ouen's beach, Islanders are reminded to be cautious and not to touch them if any more wash up on shore.

Islanders are asked to report any sightings of the jellyfish to Environment and Consumer Protection on 01534 445808 or email

While a sting is unlikely to have serious consequences to health, the pain following a sting typically lasts 15 to 20 minutes. To alleviate the pain, Islanders are recommended to:

  • Get out of the water if you're in the sea
  • Rinse the area with sea water
  • Remove any spines from the skin using tweezers or the edge of something such as a bank card
  • Immerse the affected area in hot water (as hot as can be tolerated) or apply a hot pack or hot flannels for at least 30 minutes
  • Use local anaesthetic gels or pain relief from a pharmacy or visit your GP if the pain persists beyond a few hours
  • Dial 999 should anyone require emergency assistance.


  • Use vinegar
  • Urinate on the sting
  • Apply ice or an ice pack
  • Touch spines with your bare hands
  • Cover or close the wound.

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