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Proposed changes to planning controls in Conservation Areas published

21 November 2023


A significant step forward has been taken towards the designation of Jersey’s first Conservation Area, as proposed changes to planning controls are published. St Aubin is identified as the first potential area. 

Conservation Areas are to be designated in places of special architectural or historic interest, where they are deserving of careful management to protect and improve their character. Changes to the Planning and Building Law were made at the end of the last term of Government, providing the Minister for the Environment with the legal power to designate such areas. 

To ensure the special historic character of each area is protected, changes are proposed to the General Development Order which sets out when planning permission is needed for different types of work to buildings and land. 

The proposals would add new controls or limit existing controls for works likely to impact the character of a conservation area where they are visible from roads or the foreshore.

View the proposals and take part in the consultation here: General Development Order: Conservation Areas (

The Minister for the Environment has identified St Aubin as the first Conservation Area for consideration. A full consultation with Islanders will be carried out on whether St Aubin should be considered for designation, and to consider the specific boundaries of the Area before it is brought into effect. The designation process will not start until all the necessary legislative tools are in place, which is not expected until the new year. 

The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, said: “Conservation Areas were first mooted in the 1987 Island Plan, but it wasn’t until the last government term that the idea became cemented in Planning Law and the Island Plan. I’m keen that we now move forward and give Jersey’s special areas the appropriate protections they deserve. Having lived in a Conservation Area in London for the many years, I have always been appreciative of the way in which they maintain and improve the quality of the built environment. 

“The designation of a Conservation Area is not designed to stop change, but because of their special character there is a need to enhance the level of planning control, especially when works are visible from a public perspective, such as from public roads or the beach.

“I’d encourage Islanders to read over the proposed changes to the General Development Order, and to consider whether we have the right balance to protect special parts of Jersey in an appropriate way.” 

Islanders can have their say on the proposals via, by submitting written comments to Public Consultations, Housing, Environment and Placemaking, Cabinet Office, Government of Jersey, 19-21 Broad Street, St Helier or by emailing the Government of Jersey’s Principal Planner on

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