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Report published on progress of the Carbon Neutral Roadmap

18 July 2023


A report demonstrating the progress of the Carbon Neutral Roadmap policies has been published by the Minister for Energy and Climate Change, Deputy Hilary Jeune. 

The Roadmap, agreed by the States Assembly in April 2022, sets out how Jersey will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions on a trajectory that will ultimately lead to a net zero Island by 2050, in line with internationally-recognised Paris Agreement targets. It committed to a spend of ÂŁ23m from the Climate Emergency Fund over the first four years (2022-25). 

Among the many milestones, outlined in the report, are: 

  • The launch of the low carbon heating incentive in May 2023 which supports Islanders with funding to help make the switch from oil or gas heating systems to low carbon alternatives and helps make buildings more energy efficient. It includes a new Contractor Quality Scheme for heat pump and other low carbon heating system installers to build on green skills and market capacity. 
  • The e-bike incentive scheme was launched in January 2023. More than ÂŁ32,000 worth of vouchers have so far been redeemed. The third quarterly application window is currently open. 
  • The establishment of the Decarbonising Government Unit, with more than 250 of the Government of Jersey’s diesel vehicles now converted to Second Generation Renewable Diesel. The Government’s fleet also now features more than 70 electric vehicles. 
  • Active travel initiatives to date have included School Streets (at St Luke’s School) and the Love to Ride campaign, which has achieved some of the highest take-up figures in the British Isles. 
  • Continued close working with industry through the eco active business network and new initiatives such as the Sustainable Construction Summit
  • Progress on delivering the COP26 Education Pledge to improve education on climate change, and the successful delivery of low carbon lifestyles campaigns, with an initial focus on waste reduction. 

Deputy Hilary Jeune said: “After a year in the role, it felt like the right time to update Islanders on our progress. I’m really proud of the work we’ve done already to bring the many policies of the Carbon Neutral Roadmap to life. 

“We’ve made a positive start to tackling transport and heating emissions. The task ahead of us remains huge and the whole Island will need to work together to meet our incredibly ambitious emissions reduction targets. I’d like to thank those who have supported the current initiatives and at the same time encourage more Islanders and businesses to find out what they can do to reduce their emissions from transport and heating.”

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