09 March 2023
Islanders who would like to get involved in gathering sightings of Jersey’s reptiles and become a
trained Wild Volunteer are encouraged to sign up to a free training event on Saturday 18 March.
There are three different ways to get involved in Reptilewatch depending on interest, availability,
and experience:
- Level 1: spend 30 minutes looking for reptiles. No experience or training is required
- Level 2 Wall lizard: carry out six visual surveys, at 30 mins each. No experience needed but
training at this event is required
- Level 2 Widespread: carry out six visual surveys along a transect, at one to two hours each.
No experience needed but training at this event is required
The free training event will run between 10am and 4pm at Les Creux Bowls Club in St Brelade.
Islanders taking part in Level 1 are encouraged to attend the event, although it is not mandatory
for participation in Level 1.
Islanders can view the training day schedule, which includes various talks, classroom activities, and
demonstrations at Reptilewatch | Eventbrite. At the end of the session, there will be an opportunity
to sign up as a Wild Volunteer for Reptilewatch and to access other Wild About Jersey schemes.
The data collected from Reptilewatch will be added to previously collected data and used to
evaluate future trends and actions necessary to help conserve protected species in Jersey.
Senior Environment Officer in Biodiversity, Liz Walsh, said: “This year is Reptilewatch’s fifth
anniversary, so I’d really like to increase the participation rates – particularly for Level 1 which
doesn’t require any experience or training.
“Reptilewatch is open to everyone, and participation doesn’t need to be a huge commitment. In
fact, it’s a great way for Islanders to connect to nature and appreciate their surroundings, as well as
supporting the conservation of our reptiles inhabiting in Jersey.
“We rely on the kind support and commitment of our volunteers, who allow us to run more surveys
and gain a better understanding of Jersey’s environment, so that we can protect it for future
Islanders are encouraged to reserve their spot for the free training event via Reptilewatch JE training 2023 Eventbrite or email Wild About Jersey. People can find out more about becoming a Wild Volunteer online for more information.
Those attending the event should wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. Light refreshments
will be provided on the day.