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Review of sport in Jersey moves online

02 June 2023


An independent review of sport policy and strategy which began last month is now moving online.

The reviewer, Mr Simon Cooper, has already met a number of key stakeholders in person, including representatives from the Government of Jersey, Jersey Sport, the Commonwealth Games Association of Jersey, the Island Games Association of Jersey, Jersey Sports Council and a number of sports organisations.

Now, the Government of Jersey wishes to make sure that as many people as possible are given the opportunity to contribute to the review and so sports bodies and interested parties are invited to share their views via an online survey. This can be accessed here.

Face-to-face meetings will still be available and these can be requested inside the online survey. The survey opens on Friday 2 June and closes on Friday 14 July. Responses will help to inform the final review report report, which is expected to published in the summer of 2023.

The review is being undertaken at a cost of around ÂŁ12,000. Islanders who would like a hard copy of the consultation questions can contact the Economy Department by calling 07797 897 387 or emailing

Assistant Minister for Economic Development with responsibility for sport, Deputy Lucy Stephenson said: “'This work to review sport in Jersey is progressing well and I am pleased that all Islanders are now being invited to get involved. I would encourage anyone with an interest in seeing sport in Jersey thrive to take part in the survey to ensure their views and experiences are heard as part of this important piece of work.' 

The review’s terms of reference are:

1. review how the Government’s sport and physical activity policy and strategy are              formulated and implemented 

2. review if the existing arms-length partner’s structure, organisation, management and delivery remains appropriate, relevant and fit for purpose to meet the Council of Ministers’ Common Strategic Policy and ministerial priorities of the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture.

3. produce a report on the review findings, including recommendations.

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