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Samarès Summer School success

09 August 2023


Samarès School has opened an inclusive community summer school, every Wednesday for six weeks, for all their students to pop-in and have access to a range of fun and interactive learning activities. Creating community schools is a priority outlined by the Minister in her Ministerial Plan. 

So far, around 80 children and young people have attended each Wednesday session, with their parents or carers, since it opened last week and around 25 students will benefit from a one-to-one tutoring class in maths or literacy with a teacher. 

Samarès summer school, runs from 9.30am – 11.30am every Wednesday for their students and includes free sessions with Jersey Sport, a large pop-up book library with Jersey Library and Every Child Our Future as well as activities by the Youth Service and Pathways Centre. 

Over the summer several support services for children and families will be at the summer school including Mind Jersey, Best Start Partnership, Pathways, Children and Families Hub, Family Nursing & Home Care and Jersey Youth Service. Children who are taking part in the summer school interactive activities must be supervised by an adult. 

The summer school programme is led by the School Improvement and Advisory Service (SIAS), which is part of the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES). Funding for the summer school programme is available through the Social Recovery Fund, which was previously known as the Covid Recovery Fund. 

A total of seven schools are taking part this year and their programmes vary depending on the age and stage of the pupils. All the summer school programmes aim to support the children and young people with their learning and their wellbeing. 

Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Louise Doublet, said: “The mission of both the Council of Ministers and our Ministerial team is to create schools that are hubs within our communities. This means that they can host multiple services for children and families and make the best use of our education facilities, as well as offering a space for children and young people to be physically active. 

“Samarès school has essentially piloted this mission in creating a fantastic inclusive community summer school, which was brilliant to see in action. Thank you to all the schools and staff who are opening during the summer to offer these programmes for children, young people, and families.” 

Jenny Posner, headteacher of Samarès School, said: “Our summer school is set up to welcome parents, carers, and their children every Wednesday morning over the summer holidays. They can just pop in and don’t need to register in advance. It’s wonderful to see parents engaging in all the activities with their children and the Jersey Library and the Every Child Our Future book corner has been especially popular. 

“It’s so important for us to keep engaging with our school community even through the summer. We are still discovering the impact that Covid has had on children’s learning and wellbeing so the Social Recovery Fund, provided by the Department, has enabled us to create a programme that is right for our school, which our team have worked very hard on designing. 

“I’d like to thank our school community for making it such a success, from the teachers working through the summer to the support services and especially all our children and families for attending and engaging so enthusiastically in our summer school.”

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