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Public speaking competition for primary students

21 April 2023


Year 6 students from 12 schools will take part in a public speaking competition this term, as part of a project to support studentsā€™ speaking skills. 450 students will take part in the ā€˜Speak Up, Speak Out Jerseyā€™ competition, where they will be supported to develop, rehearse, and deliver a TED-style talk.

The competition will include qualifying rounds in schools, from 5 June. Winners from the qualifying rounds will take part in the final on 10 July at the Radisson Blu Hotel, where they will deliver their talk in front of a panel of guest judges and fellow students. The winner will receive a trophy, which will be presented by the Minister for Children and Education.

The competition is part of a broader three-year project to develop studentsā€™ oracy - their ability to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas in spoken language. 14 schools (included in the Notes to Editors section) are currently involved in the oracy project.

International evidence shows that higher oracy skills lead to higher academic outcomes, more social mobility, and increased confidence and wellbeing. Students who can articulate their thoughts and feelings clearly are also more able to regulate their emotional responses.

Alongside the competition, the primary schools taking part in the project are also offering students more opportunities to talk about their learning and ideas, either in small groups, or with their whole class. In addition, all students are learning how to listen actively, assess the ideas being presented, and use talk to develop their own understanding. 

The project is being run in partnership with Voice 21, a UK-based charity which works with hundreds of schools to promote oracy. 

Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner, said: ā€œDeveloping oracy does more than just support childrenā€™s public speaking skills: oracy work gives children the tools they need to express themselves, to reason through arguments, and to work together. These are the sort of life long, transferrable skills that we all use in our personal and professional lives. 

ā€œThis is why it is so important all children to develop excellent spoken language skills during their time at school. Iā€™m looking forward to hearing from the children taking part, and seeing their skills in action

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