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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

South West St Helier Waterfront planning decision

27 September 2023


The Minister for the Environment and his Determining Panel have refused the planning application to develop South West St Helier Waterfront. 

The decision was made in line with policies outlined in the Bridging Island Plan 2022 and with full consideration of a report produced by appointed independent planning inspector, Phillip Staddon, which has been published today. 

The inspector’s report recommended that the planning application should not be accepted in its current form. 

It further recommended that the application should remain open to allow the applicant to make adjustments, leading to a second “mini planning inquiry”. 

The Determining Panel agreed the application should not be accepted but added that there are too many areas of the application which require significant changes and therefore decided not to leave the application open for adjustments. 

This means a new application will need to be submitted. 

The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, said: “This development is of huge significance for our Island and its residents. Therefore, it needs to be an exemplar. The Determining Panel believes the Waterfront is an opportunity to achieve something special in terms of urban design, public realm, and sustainable transport. However, the current application fails to meet the required standard. 

 â€śI wish to thank the independent inspector for his work in holding the public inquiry and for producing an exceptionally thorough and clear report. I would also like to thank all those who contributed to the public inquiry which fed into the report.” 

The application was refused for a number of areas, and as with all applications was considered against the policies within the Bridging Island Plan 2022 and relevant supplementary planning guidance. 

An overview of reasons for refusal include: 

  • The proposed development would fail to achieve the SWSHPF community expectation of reconnection between St Helier and the Waterfront. 
  • The application does not demonstrate how it will achieve good quality housing and living conditions. Most of the proposed flats are likely to be single aspect, many would be facing a noisy road and some would have poor aspects due to facing tall buildings at close proximity. 
  • The application provides insufficient improvements to La Route de la Liberation, leaving a largely untamed highway that separates the waterfront from the rest of town. 
  • The proposed development involves substantial excavation to create basement areas for parking and servicing. This would produce contaminated waste for which there is no satisfactory waste management solution. 
  • The proposed level of affordable housing represents a low level of provision. 
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