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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Storm Ciarán update: Friday 17 November

17 November 2023



Work clearing the Island's parks is ongoing. Each tree must be assessed individually for damage and potentially taken down, if dangerous.

  • Howard Davis Park remains closed. Half the trees in the park either came down in the storm or have been damaged. It is hoped the park can open in early December.
  • Coronation (Millbrook) Park remains closed. Half the trees have fallen in the storm or are damaged. It is hoped the park can open before Christmas.
  • Winston Churchill Park is partially open, although there are still areas with damaged and dangerous hanging branches that need to be made safe.
  • Millennium Park is open. A few trees were lost and have been cleared, but otherwise there was limited damage from the storm.


Railway Walk:

It is estimated that up to 400 trees were damaged or came down in Storm Ciarán along the Railway Walk and it remains closed. A specialist tree shear for forestry work has been brought over from the UK to clear the fallen and damaged trees.

Clearing the Railway Walk could take around 4-6 weeks, but some parts may be opened earlier.

Les Quennevais Sports Centre cycle track has been cleared and is now open.



The advice is to avoid wooded areas in the Island. There are a lot of damaged trees and with the current wet and windy weather, they could still fall, or loose branches could break off.

  • St Catherine's Woods remain closed. This area was badly affected by Storm Ciarán as it is close to where the tornado passed. Every tree needs to be assessed for damage.


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