13 November 2023
The wet, windy weather over the weekend has continued to hamper repairs to Hautlieu
and Samarès schools. There are leaks at both schools which still need repairing and work is
Enough progress was made with repairs at Hautlieu School to allow it to be partially
reopened today (Monday).
Some students have been able to go into school as normal
while others have continued with home learning. It is hoped the whole school will be back
in from Wednesday.
At Samarès School, the hall and some upstairs areas are still out of use. However, all pupils
are back at school with some lessons and activities happening at the nearby Youth Centre
and Le Clos Mourant Estate while repairs are done.
Railway Walk
The specialist equipment to clear large fallen trees along the Railway Walk arrived in Jersey
over the weekend.
Infrastructure and Environment (I&E) are now beginning to clear the trees, however, it is
anticipated this will take some time.
As it remains highly dangerous, Islanders are reminded not to go to the Railway Walk until
further notice.